HEDLEY SNYMAN – I was born, then kind of grew up.
As an Artist I would like to think I’m expressionistic in style. I’ve painted in so many different styles but have not chosen one, not ready to do that. Imagine painting in one style for the rest of my life, I might lose an ear.
Many mediums are welcome, most of my paintings that are for sale have been done in oil. I’ve done and do so many art forms but I suppose painting is possibly my favourite art form.
With that being said I wouldn’t want to give up on any other art form they all play a role in this adventure called art, my photography influences my paintings and visa versa, my painting improves my illustrations my design work is a healthy break from painting and so on, and so on, it goes – they all work together in the circle of creativity.
Thats all he wrote – have a great day – stay safe.